Sunday, May 30, 2010

Here I am!

I am Keara, I am size 16 now, I fluctuate between size 16 and size 24... Life is fucking hard. I have a lovely partner, he is so sweet and supportive, but tonight when I was secretly scoffing a weight watchers brownie I had made, said, "lucky it's a weight watchers one...." Hmm, now we are not talking, I am so tired of being different, being "fat"

I hate the idea that a man would want me because of my size but sometimes the idea of being with a man who looks at me with passion as I get bigger and not smaller would be a great thing, it's hard a man finding you sexier the less of you there is to love!

I am so fecking tired of the media telling us we need to look a certain way, most of the women I know do not fit a cookie cutter idea of a woman, we are too fat, too skinny, too busty, not busty enough, too small, too tall, too pushy or too passive.

Today the Supplement in the Irish indo had a picture of someone I love, Kylie, but she was in her undies and airbrushed to death, why is it in 2010 women who are considered sex symbols are pictured in skimpy outfits, while men ala Brad pit who is lovely is never pictured in our Sunday papers in his Jock strap.....?

Women have enough fecking crap t deal with, we are the ones who have to bloody reproduce, but apart from all that we have to look fecking amazing too... I for one am so tired of it all.I want a fat movement, I want to go out with women who are proud and happy with their figures and men who are happy to say they want a big ass to hold on to or a nice juicy pair of boobs, I am 37, way too old to be apologising for my figure, I am who I am, I have to accept that, but I have a daughter and three son's and I want them to understand that being a particular size is not as important ans being a particular person!

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